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Display destinations by categories based on your customer’s travel interest

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Martina Ventura
2 min read

Airline and hotel marketers now have the ability to tag all destinations in their network based on Travel Themes. This empowers travelers to filter results according to their travel interests. You can customize EveryMundo’s Travel Themes Expansion Sets to match your destination network’s requirements. For instance, airlines can utilize tags such as “Outdoors,” “Romantic,” and “Beaches” to label their destinations, grouping them under a “Travel Type” category. You can categorize destinations for customer interests.

By using the Travel Themes Expansion Set, airlines can segment their campaigns by customers’ interests and present personalized destination offers.

How do Categories and Tags work? 

Categorize Travel Themes into Travel Type and Traveler Type. Travel Type characterizes the destination, while Traveler Type characterizes the traveler. Associate various tags with each destination, allowing travelers to filter destinations based on their personality and interests.

Examples of destinations and their Travel Themes:

1. Category: Travel Type 

  • Paris = Romantic, Big City 
  • Miami = Beaches, Big City 
  • Zurich = Snowy, Big City 
  • Washington State = Outdoors 
  • Orlando = Family Fun 

2. Category: Traveler Type 

  • Cannes = Senior, Couples 
  • Miami = Friends, Family 
  • Vegas = Friends
  • Orlando = Family 
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Personalize your destination theme offers  

By incorporating Travel Themes into your destinations, you empower travelers to instantly access results aligned with their interests across all airModules—both on airTRFX pages and other sites. Travel Themes filters support all languages, simplifying the process for travelers to discover and book trips matching their preferences. This feature empowers airlines to create and define their personalized Travel Themes as required.

Linking destinations to various themes enables airlines to apply these filters to specific airModules (such as Interactive Map, Dynamic Price airModule, etc.) and position them on Custom Pages for relevant user searches based on themes. Custom Pages serve as effective tools for marketing campaigns, leveraging emails, social media, and paid ads to increase website traffic and bookings.


  • Create custom Travel Themes tags for your network that align with your marketing initiatives: Popular Destinations, Honeymoon, Adventure, Beach, etc. 
  • Each Travel Theme can be translated into over 35 different languages to be used on any page in any market. 
  • Each Travel Theme can be easily added or removed at any time, making maintaining a manageable set of filters easy. 
  • You can also further enhance the personalized user experience by combining the Travel Themes filters with other filters, such as travel budget.
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Travel Themes Expansion Set is supported by all airModules to enrich user interaction with a fast, relevant, and reliable search experience on every booking.

How to activate Travel Themes Expansion Set in aTC?

Contact your Customer Success Manager to request this product and start using Travel Themes Expansion Set.

EveryMundo can provide some alternatives or ideas for categories and tags, but airlines and hotels are responsible for providing associations.
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